Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 3, ACCESS

Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, and Students Statewide, also known as ACCESS is a network based resource that provides opportunities for Alabama public high schools. According to the ACCESS site, “ACCESS— provides high-quality classroom courses & teachers, via technology.” In other words it allows students to be able to have access to things such as advanced placement and electives. This resource is used for those who might not have any other access to these types of programs. I think this is a great program that really helps our education system.
ACCESS is used because of many low income schools that are not able to offer the courses that are required by state. For example, numerous rural schools do not have enough money to allow courses such as physics and trigonometry to be taught in their curriculum. Therefore ACCESS is an alternative so that every student has the equal opportunity.
I believe that this new program will be phenomenal for the high schools of Alabama. This is a very powerful resource that was much needed throughout the state. I believe that this alone will help improve our education system and bring us further than ever before in education. There are many underprivileged students who have abilities that are simply wasted because their schools can not afford to offer the programs needed. This will no longer be a problem. Again, I feel that this is a great program for the state of Alabama.

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