Thursday, December 4, 2008

Week 10, Dr. Alice Christie

I thoroughly enjoyed exploring Dr. Alice Christies website. There were many parts to it that I found would be useful to me. The one that I found would be the most useful is the section about education technology. This section shows you what all types of things are available to you as teacher to use in your classroom. This is a website that I can see myself using in the classroom. I am the kind of person who wants to use technology in the classroom but just doesn’t know how to incorporate it. This will be a great tool for me so that I will be able to use technology in the classroom.

Another part of this website that I found very interesting was the part about GPS and Geocaching. This is an absolutely amazing concept. I have never heard of this before. I think that this is a great way to enhance the learning in grades K-12 and make it fun. If the school I end up working for offers this I will be thrilled.

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